2 comments on “#41. Finish 4 Books

  1. I’ve been following your bucket list for a while now. I gotta admit, the quarter thing is something I gotta try one of these days. But I wanted to make a suggestion about the books you’re reading. There’s this website called swap.com where you can swap movies, books, and video games. To make the summer funner, you can try out this website by swapping the books you’ve read for other ones. Anyhow, I wish you luck from San Diego, California. Next summer I’m gonna make my own bucket…hmm…to make it sooner, maybe I’l move it to winter.

    • Hey Kenia, thank you for following my blog! Definitely try the quarter thing! I saw the website you recommended, and I’m amazed that I’ve never heard of it before! Once we move into our new house (and we have a permanent address to send things to), I am definitely signing up. That is an awesome find, and it sounds money-wise efficient! Thank you from Florida! Might I suggest making a school-year bucket list? Those seem to be growing in popularity around this time of year! Whatever you choose to do, I wish you the best of luck!

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