3 comments on “#40. Customize a Bikini

  1. I just have to comment on this and say how awesome this blog and you are! You’ve inspired me so much and I’ve put together my own bucket list which is pretty awesome but only problem is I have no amazing friends to share it with like you do! However me being an optimist, thats number 2 on the bucket list ;)
    P.s. You are too awesome!

  2. Unfortunately, I’m busy on Friday night, so I can’t make it to your party (the fact that I live thousands of miles away may also have a little something to do with it), but I hope you have a great time! Your actual birthDAY may not have been amazing, but the next year of you being seventeen should be a lot of fun! Can’t wait for your next post! (I’ve been in a summer funk, so now I have something to look forward to!)

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